Why is companion planting important?
As the weather in the Gulf gets better, it is time for gardeners to plant their seasonal flowers and vegetables. Companion planting is something most
As the weather in the Gulf gets better, it is time for gardeners to plant their seasonal flowers and vegetables. Companion planting is something most
I have had a lot of queries regarding my planting schedule for vegetables and seasonal flowers. While I do plant a lot from seed it
The start of the new season is always exciting. We turn our soil add our fertilizer and make our garden ready to receive new life.
This is the final part of the soil amendment series. Please follow the links to read the earlier ones. In this post, we will cover
This is the penultimate part of the soil amendment series. I will cover two more important ones in the next part. Although there are a
I did a quick post on Humic acid as that was needed at that time. Now we can look in detail at what constitutes soil
Since the season is now beginning, most of us will be propagating our plants. Therefore, it is important for us to get a good understanding
Planting by the moon phase: A few days ago, I mentioned to my friend I was planting seeds on Saturday.” Oh,” She exclaimed, “are you
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