Dubai is a lovely desert. It is a city that turned improbable into the probable and so even with the heat humidity and sand here there are beautiful gardens and passionate gardeners. I have a friend who is an avid gardener here for 30 plus years and though she will not write about her journey I am going to document mine. We moved two years ago into a villa with a largish garden. Gardening is an expensive hobby and though there are loads of gardens here, the supposed gardeners who we hire to oversee are little more than watering cans. if you get my drift. So if we don’t supervise. your investment goes down the drain every year. Anyhow, we have been living in a villa for more than 20 years but my mother-in-law decided the garden was her turf. So respecting that I never interfered too much in it. A few years ago, I got fed up with the dismal state of my garden and since my mother-in-law seemed to have lost interest, I took the bull by the horns. I hunted down an old friend who seemed completely surprised I still had her number. But then I don’t throw away numbers, after all, who knows when they come in handy! So this friend who has been a gardening guru for years in Dubai and is completely well versed in desert gardening agreed to help me in fixing my little corner in Dubai. With this new house, my interest deepened, as I had a blank canvas to draw on and so started my little project ” Lets Talk Gardens”. I look forward to documenting my learning from my wonderful friend and all the mistakes I am making and have made while I continue on this journey. I am also part of several wonderful groups of avid, passionate, and experienced gardeners and hope to document all the learning in one place for the whole community to reference easily. I invite all the learners and the gurus to come on over and join me in making this a true community platform

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