Dragonflies- Definitely your friend in the garden.
After many years of deliberation, longing, fear, and trepidation, I finally gathered the courage to get a tattoo done here. I chose the dragonfly in honour of my passion and also because they symbolize courage, agility, abundance, and happiness. To a gardener, the dragonfly is a HUGE asset as they are natural predators of the nasties that plague us. From Aphids, flies, fungus gnats, and mosquitoes, dragonflies can easily eat their own weight every half an hour. They are perhaps one of the oldest insects to have evolved and have been around for 300 million years. They are exceptional fliers and can zip forward and backward and sideways in less than a blink of an eye. This ability is what makes them so efficient in getting rid of the nasties in our gardens.
Interesting facts about Dragonflies can be seen on this site.
So how does one go about welcoming these beauties in our gardens? For starters, they love ponds and water features.
When attracting dragonflies to the garden, experts recommend installing a pond that is at least 20 feet (6 m.) in diameter. A pond of this size will support all stages of dragonfly development. A depth of 2 feet (61 cm.) with shallow, sloping sides allows a place to plant water-loving vegetation. The pond is best if positioned in a sunny location. I have a series of large pots which hold my water lilies and other water plants.

A dragonfly lays its eggs in water and the larvae hatch in about 2 weeks. The nymphs can live in water upto 2 years feasting on mosquito larvae, small fish, and even other dragonfly larvae before they rise to the surface and take off as adult dragonflies. So, create a water feature in your garden and add some emergent plants to it including water lies, dwarf arrowhead, and water hyacinth. The nymphs like to rest on the leaves above the water and the adults too. Also, avoid adding fish as their might eat the larvae.
Dragonflies are graceful, useful creatures that can be our organic pest control which ultimately helps the environment. Please consider creating a conducive environment for them to breed and flourish.
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