When I first heard of Bio Enzyme, I thought it is too much trouble. But a dear friend got me motivated and I started a batch. It is a versatile organic mix, having a multitude of uses in your home and garden. It is a brilliant cleaner and gets rid of many chemical cleaners in our homes. It is easy to make and takes around 3 months for the first batch after which you can keep it going continuously.
Bio enzymes actually reduce our dependence on chemical cleaners, help decontaminate our water bodies and reduce allergies, etc in our homes. They are a marvelous addition to your organic fertilizer and pesticide arsenal, generally reducing the amount of chemicals contaminating our food, air, and soil.

It is a simple recipe to make. I use molasses but you can use organic jaggery as well. The recipe is simple-
3 parts of citrus peels
1 part of jaggery/molasses
10 parts of water.
I add some EM1 to it as well just to speed up the process, but that is entirely optional. Put all of this in a closed bucket with a loose-fitting lid. Make sure to stir it well around 4-5 times a week. The first time you need to keep it for about 3 months and then you can start using it.
Strain most of it and put the peels in your compost but leave some of the peels and liquid and continue adding fresh citrus peels and more molasses and water and keep stirring.
This solution is helpful for so many things.
- Use as a fertilizer for your plants in a ratio of 15 ml/litre of water
- Use as a pesticide to keep away spider mites and aphids 100 ml/litre
- Cleans and disinfects all surfaces in the house. (use diluted solution 100ml/litre)
- Purifies air and removes bad odours(1part bio-enzyme to 3 parts water, store in open containers to deodorize)
- Very effective in removing limescale on taps and other steel appliances (can be used directly)
- Removes pesticides and harmful chemicals from fruit and vegetables
- Cleans and freshens clothing and footwear can be soaked in a diluted solution to move stains and kept clothing fresh)
- Nourishes the hair and skin of pets (wash pets with a diluted solution for an allergy-free experience approx. 50 ml/litre)
- Used to keep cockroaches and mosquitoes away (15ml in 500ml of water to be sprayed)
- Purifies groundwater
- Breaks down grease and grime effectively from utensils
- De-clogs Drains very effectively (pour directly into the drain)
You can use it as a foliar spray to fertilize your plants at 10-15 ml per liter. Increase the ratio to 30 ml per liter if used as a soil drench. You can use this once a week during the season and once in a month as a soil drench in summer in the GULF.

2 Responses
What is EM1
EM1 is a bienzyme that normally is available in fermented Rice washed water or very fermented dosa batter or fermented buttermilk. It is however commercially available here in the UAE so you can buy it. It just accelerates the process