How to design a Moon garden?
We have 2 seasons in the Gulf. One is horrid with high humidity and temperatures and the other is awesome with cool breezes and bright
We have 2 seasons in the Gulf. One is horrid with high humidity and temperatures and the other is awesome with cool breezes and bright
As the weather in the Gulf gets better, it is time for gardeners to plant their seasonal flowers and vegetables. Companion planting is something most
I have had a lot of queries regarding my planting schedule for vegetables and seasonal flowers. While I do plant a lot from seed it
Caladiums are gorgeous shrubs whose leaves rival flowers in their beauty. Many variations in colour and marking make an excellent addition to your garden, particularly
Date palms are gorgeous, graceful denizens of coastal and desert lands. They symbolize the mystic of Arabia and are an important cash crop. Dates as
The Cauliflower is a versatile vegetable that is equally loved in both Eastern and Western cuisine. It is quite flavourful even with a minimum of
We generally tend to forget that most modern medicine has its roots in our backyards with many plants having great medicinal properties. A lot of
The start of the new season is always exciting. We turn our soil add our fertilizer and make our garden ready to receive new life.
Why iron is so important for our plants and natural sources of Iron! Our garden requires 16 crucial elements to be healthy and productive. Apart
As Spring is on its way out the Geraniums in our garden continue to flower and flourish. My love affair with geraniums started a few
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